Explore Preserve Rollins Pass‘ growing video library, featuring historical discussions, behind-the-scenes insights, event highlights, and more.
Welcome to our growing video library collection, featuring all of our YouTube content in one place. This page mirrors our YouTube Channel and includes historical discussions, behind-the-scenes insights, and event highlights. With new videos added regularly, there is always something new to explore as we continue to expand our collection. Our videos are organized in chronological order, with the most recent uploads at the top for easy viewing. As you scroll down, you’ll find older content, including some of our earliest uploads from several years ago, offering a look at how our work has evolved over time. If there is a particular topic you would like to see featured in a future video, please contact us with your suggestions.
The primary purpose of our work is to inform the public.
No campfires allowed anywhere on the pass: Stage 1 fire restrictions in effect for all USFS lands on the west and east sides, including Grand, Boulder, & Gilpin Counties.