Rollins Pass: Through the Lens of Time

Rollins Pass: Through the Lens of Time

Join us on May 12, 2018 for our Rollins Pass: Through the Lens of Time book launch, featuring rare photos, films, live music, and special remarks.

Our book, “Rollins Pass,” honors the pictorial legacy of this resplendent place and its more than 10,000 years of history. Our publisher recently asked: what are you thinking for your book launch event? At its heart, our book is about the vivid record of historic pictures and the need to preserve these photographs for future generations. In the process of writing this book over the past year and half, we scanned nearly 2,000 photographs and published more than 200. We feel that’s not enough: we needed a venue to showcase some of the others – and perhaps get moving pictures, too; after all, movie cameras captured the majestic struggle at the top of the world of trains in the snow. We dreamed big: what if our book launch could become an event where history and railroad enthusiasts indulge in the opulence of the very best imagery from Rollins Pass?

Our book launch is to be held on Saturday, May 12th and will feature rare photographs, trivia, and a mini film festival featuring the 1925 silent film “The White Desert” with live piano accompaniment by Hank Troy. This film is on special loan from the George Eastman Museum. There will also be a showing of the documentary, “Stone and Steel at the Top of the World.” We’re honored to feature special opening remarks by archaeologist Jason M. LaBelle, PhD, who wrote the foreword to our book.

We hope you’ll be able to join us for this unique event!

For more information and to purchase tickets for this single showing, please visit: [editor’s note: this URL has been decommissioned as it was for a one-time event]

All packages include access to both films, presentations, a copy of the new “Rollins Pass” postcards book, and a copy (or multiple copies) of the new “Rollins Pass” book. See TICKETS and MORE INFO for details on [editor’s note: this URL has been decommissioned as it was for a one-time event]. Complimentary appetizers and beverages (Mother’s Day weekend mimosas, beer, wine, and soft drinks) are also included!

B. Travis Wright, MPS & Kate Wright, MBA | Preserve Rollins Pass | April 6, 2018

The primary purpose of our work is to inform the public.

Preserve Rollins Pass background image